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Microsoft365 and GSuite Configuration in MSP360 Managed Backup Software

With the MSP360 Managed Backup Service, you can perform a backup and a recovery of emails, shared files, and calendars in Google G Suite and Microsoft 365. In this guide, we will tell you how to buy licenses, set storage destinations, and configure your MBS account in order to do that.

Check out the video version of this guide: MSP360 Backup Configuration for Microsoft 365 and Google G Suite


To perform a backup of your Google G Suite or Microsoft 365 accounts, you need to buy and assign licenses to the users you want to back up. That can be done from the Users tab, Licenses section. There you should click the “Buy New Licenses” button and buy the required G Suite or Microsoft 365 licenses. Bear in mind that G Suite and Microsoft 365 Backup are licensed on a per-user basis. You don’t need to assign licenses for each user in your organization, only for those you need to back up.

Alternatively, you can buy licenses right from the G Suite / Office 365 tab, Mail Domains to Backup section.

Adding Storage Destination

To perform a backup, you will need to add a cloud storage destination.

If you don’t have any storage account or you want to set up a separate account for G Suite and Microsoft 365 backup, go to the Storage Accounts tab in your MSP360 MBS Web console. There, click the “Add Account” button and proceed with the “Add Cloud Storage Account” wizard.

Once finished, go to the G Suite/Office 365 tab, Mail Domains to Backup section. There, click the “Add Backup Destination” button and add the required cloud storage account and bucket.

Account Setup

After you have added licenses and a storage destination, it’s time to set up an account for backup.

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First, you will need to add the domain or email you will back up. To do that, go to the Mail Domains to Backup section and click “Add Domain/Users”. There you will be able to add domains, choose the storage account, and select from three options:

  • License mode. Automatic license mode means that users of the given domain will be automatically assigned with the licenses to perform a backup.
  • Global Admin Access allows you to enable or disable the ability of your admins to see the content of emails for the given domain.
  • Sharepoint/TeamDrives allows you to enable or disable the ability of your admins to view the content of these services for the given domain.

Once you have added the domain, click “OK”. You will see the domain in the table below.

Also, once the domain has been created, you can set storage limits for the required services. To do that, click “Edit” on the domain and select the storage limit.

Bear in mind that G Suite and Microsoft 365 backup are done in different to the MSP360 Managed Backup Service user interface. To enter that interface, you will need to set up an alias for the access panel. To do that, go to the General section and add the required alias.

Initial Configuration

Once you’ve done with the account configuration and setting up an alias, go to the tab G Suite/Office365, section General, and click the “Access Panel” button and you will be redirected to a page where you can choose between the needed service.

Further configuration and backup processes will be overviewed in the next video.

That’s it. Now you know how to configure your MSP360 Backup for Google G Suite or Microsoft 365. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact our pre-sales team.

MSP360 Managed Backup. Simple. Reliable.
Powerful cross-platform backup and disaster recovery that leverages the public cloud to enable a comprehensive data protection strategy.
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