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MSP Voice Episode 58 – “The French Connection” with Gilles Gozlan

MSP Voice Episode 58 – “The French Connection” with Gilles Gozlan

Gilles is the president of Paris based TeamReso. In business for 10 years, TeamReso has also launched a few other companies including CloudReso (MSP, CloudBackup) and SysReso (customer development).

With the EU adopting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) backup has now become a very sought after service in France. Previously small businesses may not have seen value in backup with the new regulation they now know it’s required. GDPR covers just more than backup so it’s been driving a lot of MSP business over the past several years. Gilles did formally have a break/fix company but he sold that and formed TeamReso to focus on MSP and monthly contracts.

Guest: Gilles Gozlan

Company: TeamReso

All episodes can be found on MSP Voice website,  YouTube (video) as well as popular podcast channels such as iTunesSoundCloud, and Anchor. You can also subscribe to new episodes via RSS Feed.

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