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Introducing Connect 3.3

Introducing Connect 3.3

We’re happy to announce that Connect 3.3 is now available, with improvements that will make your experience with MSP360 Connect even better!

Here they are:

  • Now you can set the desired screen resolution for the remote device you are connected to, and its settings will be saved and used for future connections to this device.

Resolution settings

  • Boosted connection quality – we have done our best to provide you with even faster and more stable session performance, even with a weak internet connection.

End of Support for Version 2.5

We would like to inform you that, from March 2nd, only versions 2.6 and later will be supported. To continue using MSP360 Connect, please update your software (Menu > Check for Updates) or download the latest version from our website.


Thanks for reading! To help us with product development, please share your experience with us using the feedback board or ask a question on our forum.

MSP360 Connect.
Simple. Reliable.
Securely connect and control remote devices and servers to resolve issues faster. Take advantage of high-speed stable connections regardless of the computer’s global location.
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