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The MSP’s Response Guide to a Ransomware Attack

The MSP’s Response Guide to a Ransomware Attack

Because Managed Service Providers typically hold sensitive data for a large number of clients, they are becoming a major target for cyberattacks. Instead of an attack targeted at a single company, if a hacker manages to compromise the systems of an MSP, they can potentially gain access to data and systems held and managed on behalf of a large number of third-party companies.

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MSP Assets to Stay Safe from Phishing

Assets for MSPs to Protect Customers from Phishing

Assets for MSPs to Protect Customers from Phishing

Phishing attacks remain one of the most dangerous types of cyber attacks today -- due to their constant evolution, as hackers develop new types of phishing attacks and ways to evade anti-phishing tools. That is why it’s critical to have a well-planned anti-phishing strategy in place for preventing phishing attacks against the users that you support.

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